Red Ball Tennis
Summer Tennis Camp
Just getting started?
We offer Red Ball Tennis, the USTA-sanctioned program that focuses on the development of agility, coordination and balance. It’s a whole new ball game for kids. A perfect first experience that’s fun, great exercise and exciting!
Young tennis players can join us for morning sessions. This custom 10 and Under program uses kid-sized equipment: slower-moving and lower-bouncing balls, shorter and lighter racquets, and smaller courts. This format makes beginner tennis easier and fun, as kids build a foundation of hand-eye coordination, agility and balance for all sports.
Learn Tennis the JKST Way
You’ll learn to play and enjoy tennis. You’ll love working one-on-one with our pros and playing with other kids at your skill level. This camp focuses on improving movement, coordination and space awareness.
It all started with tennis
Once a pro player at Wimbledon and the French Open, Julian now brings his passion for tennis to his camp and year-round training academy. Our players and teaching professionals come from all over the world for fun on and off the court. Plus, Julian is on campus often so you can learn from him first-hand!
Enjoy the flexibility
Stay as long as you like. With our flexible weekly sessions, you can create a summer schedule that’s perfect for you.
Dates & Tuition
Red dot players – This refers to the first level player. This is your child’s introduction to the sport of a lifetime. This is a great introduction to the sport of tennis as we will provide smaller racquets; softer, larger balls, and smaller courts.
Where: Narberth Tennis Club
Days: Monday - Friday
Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm, 2.5 hours
Age: 5 - 8 years old
Price: $395/weekly
2023 Weekly Sessions
June 12 - June 16
June 22 - June 26
June 29 - July 3
July 6 - July 10
July 13 - July 17
July 20- July 24
July 27 - July 31
August 3 - August 7
August 10 - August 14
August 17 - August 21
August 24 - August 28
August 31 - September 4